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panic disorder symptoms

People often think anxiety attacks and panic attacks same but it is not true. Because anxiety attacks mean some kind of stress and it doesn’t mean you have a mental health disorder. But panic attacks mean intense and persistent anxiety. Long-term panic attacks turn into panic disorder. In panic disorder, you experience panic attacks more often at least for a month. It involves intense and recurrent episodes of fear and anxiety. Well, fear and anxiety are normal in some situations. But in panic disorder, fear and anxiety seem extreme and strike all sudden.

According to some studies, 52% of us have a panic attack once in our life. Although the probability of people having a panic disorder is not that high. But you still need to know everything about panic disorder. Because your knowledge can help you or someone else around you get a panic attack.

This article will provide you with great knowledge about panic disorder and related things. Moreover, you will also get to know about several medications that treat panic disorder.

What is a panic disorder and what are its symptoms?

Panic disorder includes repeated and unexpected panic attacks. You experience extreme fear and anxiety without any particular reason. Moreover, you may also get worried about the next panic attack. You keep thinking about when and where will you get the next panic attack. These incidents don’t let you step outside your house. You avoid going outside, meeting people, or avoiding stressful situations.

Potential symptoms of panic disorder

There is no particular for panic attacks and panic disorder. They can strike at any age or any point in life. Sometimes people may get panic attacks since childhood. According to a recent study, panic disorder affects women more than men. Many people having panic disorder explain that they feel like having a heart attack or dying. Here are some of the common symptoms of panic disorder:

  • pounding heart or increased heart rate
  • sweating
  • nausea or abdominal pain
  • dizziness and lightheadedness
  • trembling or shaking
  • shortness of breath and faster breathing than usual
  • sense of choking
  • losing control or going crazy
  • chills and numbness in hands and feet
  • chest pain or other symptoms that may show it a heart attack

The panic disorder seems very disturbing and debilitating. It has a very bad impact on your health and well-being. It can make it difficult for you to do daily activities. You find it very difficult to deal with everyday situations that may cause stress or anxiety. Because even a small amount of stress can trigger a panic attack. The panic attack may last from a few minutes to hours depending on the amount of anxiety.

What are the causes of panic disorder?

Although the exact causes of panic disorder are not clear yet. But experts state that there is a combination of factors causing panic disorder. These factors include – biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

I have already mentioned that there is no particular age for panic disorder. But in most cases, it develops between the age of 18-40 years. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, women are 2 times more prone to panic disorder than men.

If any of your family members have panic disorder, there are chances of you developing that. Although there are 50-50 chances, this can be a reason in some cases.

If you have gone through any trauma like physical or sexual abuse, you may develop panic disorder. Moreover, if you have seen any accident or dreadful incident, you can have panic disorder. For example, the death of your loved ones, divorce, losing your job, and many more.

Types of panic disorder

Besides the intensity and duration, panic disorder is of two types depending on the factor that triggered it. Panic attacks are of two types – expected panic attacks and unexpected panic attacks.

You get expected panic attacks when you face a situation you fear. For example, if you have claustrophobia i.e. fear of enclosed spaces, you may get panic attacks. Moreover, if you have aerophobia i.e. fear of flying, you may get panic attacks at the time of take-off flight.

You get unexpected panic attacks without any obvious reason or a particular cause. In case of unexpected panic attacks, you don’t get any signs.

Treatment methods for panic disorder

Panic disorder is treatable and there are plenty of methods to treat it. If you are diagnosed with panic disorder, you can treat it with the help of:

  • lifestyle changes
  • various therapies
  • medications

Medication is one of the most effective methods to treat panic disorder. Your doctor may prescribe antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications to treat panic disorder. Here, we will discuss some benzodiazepine medications that work great for panic disorder. Xanax, lorazepam, and clonazepam are some of the most effective benzodiazepines for panic disorder.

These benzodiazepines enhance the activity of GABA neurotransmitters in the brain. GABA has a calming effect on the brain and reduces anxiety. All these medicines slow down brain activity, relax your nerves, and make you feel better. So, these medications are very helpful in coping with the symptoms of panic disorder.

Can you buy medications for panic disorder in UK?

Yes, you can buy medication for panic disorder in UK. Although Xanax, Buy lorazepam, and clonazepam all are prescription medicines. But you can buy them with or without a prescription from our pharmacy. We have stock of all these medications available in different forms and strengths. We deal only in branded medicines and offer 3-5 days delivery in UK. Moreover, we have different payment options with different discounts. To place your order, visit our website

1 Comment

  1. […] the treatment of panic attacks, you should also know its causes and symptoms. This article will give you detailed information […]

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