Restful Meds Uk

Seizure Disorders

Clonazepam is a prescription medicine that treats seizures and panic disorders. Klonopin is the brand name of clonazepam Klonopin which belongs to the benzodiazepine class of medicines. In some cases, clonazepam is also used to treat agoraphobia. But FDA has approved clonazepam for seizures and panic disorders.

What does a seizure feel like?

A seizure is defined as a sudden or abnormal change in the electrical activities of your brain. When the seizure is mild, you do not even notice anything. But when the changes are major, they result in serious symptoms which include:

  • losing consciousness and uncontrolled shaking of the body
  • uncontrolled muscle jerking, spasms, and stiffness
  • tingling in the toes and fingers of hands and legs
  • confusion, difficulty in talking and understanding
  • increased fear, stress, and anxiety
  • rapid heart rate and breathing
  • clenching of teeth

As you know, the electrical activity changes in the brain during a seizure. When this change occurs, neurons find it difficult to send and receive signals to each other. Due to this every activity of your body and mind gets affected. You find it difficult to think, move, speak, or do anything.

What does clonazepam do to treat seizures and panic disorders?

Clonazepam is a CNS depressant and it works by slowing the activity of CNS. Slowed activity of CNS, reduces nerve activity and anxiety as well. Moreover, clonazepam also increases the levels of the neurotransmitter, GABA in the brain. Because low levels of GABA make your brain excited which increases anxiety. Increased activity of GABA relaxes the nerves and relieves anxiety. By doing so, it helps in managing the symptoms of seizures and panic disorder as well as treating them.

How to take Clonazepam Klonopin to treat seizures and panic disorders?

Clonazepam is a controlled substance which means it has a low risk of abuse or addiction. But if you take it for a long time then, you will develop a habit of it. So, doctors suggest that you should take clonazepam for the short term only. Moreover, if you take clonazepam as per the doctor’s instructions, you will get the best results. You should take the right dose of clonazepam as per the prescription.

Clonazepam comes in oral tablet form and oral disintegrating tablet form. Both these forms are available in different strengths:

  • oral tablet: 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg
  • oral disintegrating tablet: 0.125 mg, 0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg

The dosage of clonazepam for seizures and panic disorder varies from person to person. It depends on age, severity of issue, and medical condition of the person.

Dosage for seizures (adults): The starting dose is 0.5 mg three times a day. Your doctor may increase the dose if the seizure is not controlled. The maximum dose for seizures is 20 mg/day taken in divided doses.

Dosage for panic disorder (adults): The starting dose is 0.25 mg twice a day. The doctor may increase the dose, but the maximum dose is 4 mg/day.

You can clonazepam with or without food with water. Follow the prescription while taking the medicine. Avoid taking clonazepam with other CNS depressants or muscle relaxants, it may cause severe respiratory problems. Moreover, do not take it with alcohol or opioids, they will increase the sedation causing harmful effects.

Furthermore, you should not stop using clonazepam abruptly. Because if you do so, it may show severe withdrawal symptoms. So, if you want to discontinue the medicine consult with your doctor.

clonazepam Klonopin Final Thoughts

Seizures and panic disorders are not something you can let go of. Because if you don’t treat them on time, they affect your life badly. But you can treat them with the help of clonazepam. Clonazepam is one of the most effective medicines to treat seizures and panic disorders. This medicine slows down the brain activity and reduces anxiety. It relaxes the nerves and calms down the nervous system. So, if you are experiencing seizures or panic disorders, buy clonazepam online to treat them.

You can get clonazepam both offline and online with a prescription. There are many pharmacies selling clonazepam in different forms and strengths. Restfulmedsuk is one of the most trusted and reliable pharmacies in the UK. It deals only in branded products with express shipment. We offer 3-day delivery of the order within the UK in proper blister packaging. So, take clonazepam and treat your seizure or panic disorder with it.

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